Wednesday, May 5, 2010

NY Near-bombing

Faisal Shahzad in an undated image

NEW YORK – The Pakistani-American accused of the failed Times Square car bombing is believed to have been working alone when he began preparing the attack almost immediately after returning from his native land, authorities said Wednesday.

They said they have yet to find a wider link to extremist groups.

Two new surveillance videos emerged of the bomb suspect, Faisal Shahzad. Police told The Associated Press that one video shows him in a white baseball cap and a dark jacket walking away from the smoking, bomb-laden Nissan Pathfinder parked in the bustling heart of New York City.

The second video shows him buying a weak batch of fireworks in a store in Pennsylvania, according to the shop's owner.

One law enforcement official told the AP that authorities don't believe there are any other suspects in the plot and that several arrests in Pakistan in the past two days were not related.

Shahzad faces terrorism and weapons charges after authorities said he admitted rigging the Pathfinder with a crude bomb of firecrackers, propane and alarm clocks based on explosives training he received in Pakistan. Authorities said he was cooperating with investigators and did not appear in Manhattan federal court for a second day.

Authorities indicated that Shahzad, the 30-year-old son of a retired air force official in Pakistan, had launched the bomb plot alone almost immediately after returning to his Connecticut home in February from the visit to his native land.

He did a dry run three days before trying to detonate the car bomb, said a law enforcement official who spoke to the AP on Wednesday on condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the investigation.

Shahzad drove the SUV to Times Square from Connecticut on April 28 apparently to figure out where would be the best place to leave it later, then returned to the area April 30 to drop off a different vehicle, a black Isuzu, the official said. He then went back Saturday to leave the SUV with the car bomb but forgot the keys for both vehicles in the SUV and had to take public transit back home, the official said.

He returned to Times Square on Sunday with a second set of keys to pick up the Isuzu, which he had parked about eight blocks from the bombing site, the official said.

New York police Commissioner Raymond Kelly told a Senate panel that Shahzad bought the gun found in his Isuzu at Kennedy Airport in March, when he appeared to move ahead on the bombing plot.

"It appears from some of his other activities that March is when he decided to put this plan in motion," Kelly said. "He came back from Pakistan Feb. 3, 2010. It may well have been an indicator of putting something catastrophic in motion."

Law enforcement officials in Washington said they had not verified statements investigators said Shahzad had made that he was trained in Pakistan for the attack. All the officials spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the case.

The FBI was able to identify Shahzad's name because of information Customs and Border Protection officials shared months earlier, according to a law enforcement official who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the investigation.

When Shahzad returned from Pakistan in February, he went through extra screening at U.S. Customs because of rules put in place after the attempted terrorist attack on Christmas Day. Customs officials noticed Shahzad had traveled to Pakistan previously, but for weeks, instead of months like his most recent trip. Shahzad came back to the U.S. without his family and without a return plane ticket.

When Customs officials come across people with suspicious travel patterns such as these, they send information along to the FBI.

As the FBI was following leads from the SUV left in Times Square, they found a phone number in the records of a throwaway cell phone that Shahzad had used when he was buying the SUV in Connecticut. The number matched a phone number Shahzad gave to Customs officials when he returned from his last trip. The FBI then contacted Customs about the match, and Customs provided other travel information on the suspect.

Police recovered the video showing Shahzad in the baseball cap walking along Shubert Alley moments after witnesses saw the Nissan Pathfinder ditched Saturday in a no-standing zone across from a Broadway theater, a law enforcement official told the AP, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the ongoing investigation. Authorities were weighing whether to release the video.

Shubert Alley is the same spot seen in another video that was released by police on Sunday that shows a second man shedding his shirt near the SUV. The unidentified man was never referred to as a suspect but police had said they sought to interview him. Investigators don't believe he was involved in the attack, an official familiar with the probe told the AP.

The official said the video had the unintended effect of falsely reassuring Shahzad that he wasn't a target.

Interviews Wednesday with business owners shed light on a series of purchases Shahzad made of guns and fireworks near his Bridgeport, Conn., home and in Pennsylvania that authorities say proved a rapidly accelerating plot.

Shahzad is on video buying six to eight boxes each containing 36 Silver Salute M88 fireworks_ a consumer-grade product mostly made up of paper and cardboard — from Phantom Fireworks in Matamoras, Pa., on March 8, said store vice president William Wiemer.

Even if used together, the fireworks couldn't have caused a large explosion, Wiemer said.

"The M88 he used wouldn't damage a watermelon. Thank goodness he used that," said Bruce Zoldan, the company's president.

Each M88 has an amount of pyrotechnic powder that is less than 1/6 the size of an aspirin, the company said. Fireworks purchased illegally can be up to 1,000 times more powerful, they said.

"There's no doubt, had he bought this on the black market, that the outcome in New York would have been totally different," Zoldan said.

Shahzad had to show his driver's license and fill out an application to buy the fireworks, Zoldan said. On the form, "the individual put his last name first, and his first name last, probably intentionally," Zoldan said.

Police in Shelton, Conn., said Shahzad legally bought a Kel-Tech rifle from a dealer after passing a criminal background check and a 14-day waiting period. The owner of the gun shop declined comment.

Shahzad, who was charged Tuesday in the plot, was hauled off a Dubai-bound plane he had boarded Monday night at Kennedy Airport despite being under surveillance and placed on the federal no-fly list.

"I was expecting you. Are you NYPD or FBI?" Shahzad told Customs officials who came aboard the jet to arrest him, an official with knowledge of the investigation said.

Kifyat Ali, a cousin of Shahzad's father, has called the arrest "a conspiracy."

The government said Wednesday it would require airlines to check no-fly lists within two hours of being notified of updates, after Shahzad was able to board his Emirates flight despite being placed on the list. The airline apparently failed to check the latest version of the terror watch list that included Shahzad's name.

Until now, airlines had been required to check for list updates every 24 hours.

Shahzad had fled to the airport after being spooked by news reports that said police were seeking a Pakistani suspect in Connecticut in the Times Square plot.

Two people familiar with the investigation, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the case, said Shahzad slipped past federal surveillance Monday afternoon and drove to the airport, where his car was found with a gun inside.

Shahzad had previously lived in Shelton but got a low-rent apartment in nearby Bridgeport when he returned from Pakistan. Landlord Stanislaw Chomiak said Shahzad lived alone and he never saw him with anyone.

On Saturday night — after the failed bombing shut down Times Square for hours and panicked thousands of tourists — Chomiak said Shahzad called him and asked to be let into his building, saying he had lost his key.

Authorities said the Pathfinder that Shahzad left in Times Square had a chain of 20 keys left in the ignition, including the apartment keys.

"He said he was hanging out with a friend in New York and he must have lost the key somewhere," Chomiak said.

Associated press

I believe that the rise of stand alone extremists these days are on the rise. The human brain is very susceptible to influence . And i believe that something changed Faisal Shahzad during his visit 5 month visit to his native land of pakistan. He reportedly training in a terrorist training camp and visited peshwar, a well known gateway to militant occupied areas of pakistans. As he had just become a naturalized american citizen in a year,and given that he had been staying in the States for 8 years. Common sense would tell you someone who had just become a naturalized american citizen would suddenly turn on the country who had accepted him and even tried to destroy one of Americas most recognizable landmarks . And whats more puzzling is that his Father was a senior official in the PAF(Pakistan Air Force) gaining the rank of Air vice Marshal or Two star rank before retiring, Would the son of a senior military official turn a hundred and eighty degrees and become the same thing his father would be trying to fight against?

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